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  1. Hand therapy service

    The outpatient hand therapy service is delivered by occupational therapists and physiotherapists and available to patients in East and North Hertfordshire.

    The aim of this service is to help you resume activity and maintain independence in your daily life at work, home and during leisure. Furthermore, we aim to give you a greater understanding of your condition and to enable you to self-manage your symptoms through professional advice and guidance.

    The service provides assessment and treatment for a variety of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus (SLE) and post-operative care following hand surgery.

    Clinic locations

    Kingsway Health Centre

    Unit 18, Stevenage Leisure Park
    SG1 2UA

    Phone: 01438 847520
    Service manager / Clinical lead: Nikki Stewart / Suzanne Taylor
    Area served: East and North Hertfordshire

    Lister Hospital

    Level 11B
    Coreys Mill Lane
    SG1 4AB

    Phone: 01707 247412
    Service manager / Clinical lead: Nikki Stewart / Suzanne Taylor
    Area served: East and North Hertfordshire

    Address: Kingsway Health Centre Unit 18,  Stevenage Leisure Park Stevenage SG1 2UA, Stevenage, SG1 2UA

  2. Health visitors

    A new under 5s website for health visiting in Hertfordshire and West Essex Click here to go to our brand new Health for Under 5s website

    We are excited to announce that a brand new website to support parents and carers of under fives. The website, which includes information for multiple regions across England, specifically covers the Hertfordshire area. Meaning pregnant people, parents and careers can find out where to access local support, advice and information.


    Our health visiting teams are part of the Hertfordshire Family Centre Service. The service brings children’s centres, health visiting and school nursing together to provide a more joined-up service for children, young people and their families from pregnancy through to when a child reaches 19. There is a range of different support groups, activities and services on offer for children and their families to help them be healthy, grow and develop. Families can access available services from any Hertfordshire Family Centre, allowing them to fit sessions and services around busy family lives. For more information, visit the Family Centre Service website.

    Our team of health visitors are registered nurses or midwives with a specialised degree in Public Health and the care and development of pre-school children. We work in line with the national Healthy Child Programme, which aims to promote optimal health and wellbeing for all children. We provide an essential service to children and families and work in local communities to promote health and reduce health inequalities.

    Our health visiting teams offer a public health service to children aged 0-5 years and their families who are registered with a GP in Hertfordshire.

    We support families during pregnancy and with a new baby or a child aged under five-years-old. We help you and your family to be healthy; both emotionally and physically. Working together with you, we can provide advice, support and confidential health advice.

    We work in partnership with families to design a care package that enhances you and your families’ wellbeing.

    We work closely with GPs, midwives, children centres and some voluntary groups. We work with communities to identify any needs in your local area, which health visitors’ may be able to support. The service will help to signpost families to the most appropriate service for them.


    Address: Heath Lane Family Centre Heath Lane Nursery School,  Heath Lane,  Hemel Hempstead,  Hertfordshire,  HP1 1TT, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1TT

  3. Hertfordshire, East Anglia and BLMK community and school-aged immunisation service

    The Hertfordshire, East Anglia and BLMK (Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes) community and school-aged immunisation service (CSAIS) offers the full UK vaccination programme to school-aged children and communities in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk, and Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.

    Here is the complete vaccination schedule:

    The complete routine immunisation schedule from September 2024 (

    For our programmes in schools, we follow a yearly programme and work with Vaccination UK (who deliver our influenza programme each year).

    For catch-up for all childhood vaccinations (including home-schooled young people) we hold community clinics or occasionally offer home visits in particular circumstances.

    We also provide BCG and At-Risk Hepatitis B vaccinations to babies and young children

    Contact details

    Hertfordshire 0300 555 5055 Option 1

    Norfolk 0300 555 5055 Option 2
    Suffolk 0300 555 5055 Option 3
    Cambridgeshire & Peterborough 0300 555 5055 Option 4

    0300 555 5055

    Option 5
    Vaccination UK (Influenza only) 01462 341173

    Vaccinations provided by our service

    School based vaccinations (also offered in community clinics for those who do not attend school or missed the school session)

    Human papillomavirus (HPV) – Across the academic year for year 8 pupils and across subsequent years for those that have missed it.

    Meningitis and diptheria tetanus and polio school leaver booster – Across the academic year for all year 9 pupils and across subsequent years for those that have missed it.

    Influenza – Available for school year groups as identified by NHS England each year. For the majority of students this will be a nasal spray.  However, there is an alternative injectable flu vaccine which may be offered to those young people who require it for medical reasons or due to religious beliefs. Please ask for more information at the vaccination session if you require this alternative. 

    Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) – Available to anyone who is missing the required 2 doses, and can be provided either in school or at a community clinic venue. 

    Further information about these vaccinations can be found below, or if you’d like to read more about the full childhood vaccination programme please visit - Vaccinations.


    Community based vaccination

    We are the main provider of the following vaccines:

    Tuberculosis (TB) BCG – If required for a newborn a notification is made to our service by maternity or other health care professional. For older children and young people, please speak to any health care professional involved in your care for referral into our service. 

    Hepatitis B vaccines – Available for those children on the selective HepB Pathway. Speak to your health care professional for further information. 

    Community catch-up

    A young person of any age missing vaccines can attend a community clinic for assessment and vaccination.

    Antenatal vaccines 

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) – due at 28 weeks gestation. You will receive a direct invite to book with our service either via SMS or telephone

    Pertussis - You will be offered this vaccine at your RSV appointment if missed at 20 weeks

    Influenza -  You will be offered this vaccine at your RSV appointment if your appointment falls in flu season

    What vaccines we provide

    Our programme covers the following vaccines, please click on the links to find out more about each one:

    Address: ,

  4. Herts and Essex hospital inpatient unit

    The Herts and Essex hospital is situated in Bishop’s Stortford in Hertfordshire. The rehabilitation unit has 28 beds between two wards, Oxford and Cambridge. Four of these beds are designated stroke rehabilitation beds that are supported by the East and North Hertfordshire early supported stroke discharge team. The unit caters for patients who need rehabilitation following their stay in an acute setting or need some extra support from the community. The unit has its own occupational therapy and physiotherapy team with a gym and occupational therapy (OT) assessment room.

    On admission, each patient is assessed by the multidisciplinary team and a plan of care is formalised involving the patient. The anticipated length of stay will differ from patient to patient depending on their individual needs. On average patients can expect to be on the unit for seven to 14 days.

    Accessibility information about Herts and Essex hospital

    Address: Haymeads Lane, Bishop’s Stortford,  Essex, CM23 5JH

  5. Herts young people's health transitional service

    The Young People’s Health Transition Service aims to coordinate transfer of health care from paediatric to adult services, for young people with complex physical health needs or with life limiting conditions throughout Hertfordshire. We will work collaboratively with Education, Health, and Social Care to achieve our goal and support a smooth individualised transition pathway into adult services. 

    The service consists of two transition nurse coordinators and an administrator.

    Every young person will have a named transition nurse coordinator to ensure continuity of care. They will facilitate and coordinate a holistic, person centred approach to ensure transition planning is undertaken including; healthcare, social care, education, community living, employment and leisure activities.

    Young people who have been in residential schools outside of Hertfordshire, have had their transition process supported by the transition nurse coordinators, enabling them to return back into county and have their complex needs met locally.

    Parallel planning for those young people with unstable health needs are recognised and undertaken.

    Children's community nursing service offer

    Address: St Alban's Health & Wellbeing Centre,  Civic Centre,  St Albans,  AL1 3JE, St Albans, AL1 3JE

  6. Hospital at Home

    Hospital at Home (HaH) provides care that traditionally takes place in a hospital to patients from East and North Hertfordshire in the comfort of their own home.

    This includes face-to-face nursing care and therapy, as well as remote monitoring services for a range of conditions for up to two weeks. This care is provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and paramedics.

    Professionals (such as your GP, your doctor in hospital, or care home staff) may refer you to the Hospital at Home service. This means you could avoid going into hospital in the first place – or return home sooner, while still getting the care you need.

    Receiving hospital-equivalent care in your own home can help maintain independence, avoid hospital-related complications and can mean recovery is much quicker.

    Address: ,