Patients and carers
The Patient and carer experience team supports everyone who uses our services to give feedback and support carers to get the help and information they need.
The Patient and carer experience team supports everyone who uses our services to give feedback and support carers to get the help and information they need.
On these pages you will find information for patients and carers, and how to give your views on our services.
The Patient and Carer Experience Team supports everyone who uses our services to give their feedback. There are many ways for patients, their families and carers to share feedback about their experience of our services. These can include:
Your feedback helps us understand what is working well, and where improvements can be made.
We value carers and want to make sure you know where to get the help or advice you need. The carers' section contains practical advice and information provided by other carers. You can also find out where to go for further support.
We recognise that things may not always go they way we would like, or that our services might not meet your expectations. This section explains how to raise a concern, make a complaint - or even give a compliment. It also explains how our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALs) can help you make a complaint or resolve a concern. If your complaint or concern is not about one of our services we have listed other local PALs services.
In this section we explain how to request copies of your medical records. This can be done informally or formally. We also explain why we might refuse access to your records.
Go to access to medical records
We want to encourage people to use the services they need to stay healthy. If you need information in a different language or format in order to use our services this section explains how to request them.
If you would like to give us feedback or cannot find the information you need please get in touch. To contact the Patient Experience Team:
Call 01707 388 036 (Mon-Fri 9.30am to 4pm) or email: hct.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net