You said, we did
You said:
Information about what is available for carers would have been useful.
We did:
We provided information for carers on the our website.
You said:
It was difficult to plan the day when you did not know when the carers would be coming.
We did:
We shared this feedback with the organisation responsible for the home carers.
You said:
Communication needs to improve between everyone involved including carers.
We did:
We undertook a survey which asked patients if they were asked how they would like information shared with carer and family members. This highlighted the need for this to be discussed with patients and recorded. This has been shared with all staff and the survey will be repeated to measure improvement.
You said:
The feedback form was left in the notes, no one asked for it and there was not a return address.
We did:
We asked all staff to implement a system to ask patients who they are visiting at home, for feedback once a month.
Communication - Children's specialist services
You said:
A complaint was raised by a family about the lack of clarity in a letter advising of a declined referral will lead to changes in the content and wording of letters sent to parents and carers to ensure clarity and offers of local support available.
We did:
This review will be carried out with the involvement of patient ambassadors and the family concerned has been invited to be part of this review.
Clinical treatment - Adult community nursing services
You said:
A complaint was raised about the timeliness of care.
We did:
This led to a review of the patient care plan and an increase in nurse visits to ensure appropriate clinical treatment was provided.
Communication - Adult specialist services
You said:
A complaint was raised about the delay of a repeat prescription.
We did:
A flag was added to the patient record to highlight additional needs – clinic review letters are now also shared with the family to ensure they are better informed.
Standards of care - Children's therapies
You said:
Concerns were raised by a family about the standard of care provided.
We did:
This has led to a review of equipment guidance to ensure that up to date measurements are taken and correctly sized equipment is ordered.
Communication/standards of care - Children and young people's specialist services
You said:
A complaint was raised by a family regarding the standard of communication and the impact on care.
We did
The service has put in place arrangements to contact the family via text message to advise of any issues with future appointments.
Communication - Children and young people's specialist services
You said:
A complaint was raised by a family about the standard of communication following an assessment.
We did:
The service will ensure they summarise and clarify their understanding of the current concerns at the end of assessment appointments, alongside checking with families to determine if a further discussion after the appointment is needed.