About our research office

We deliver the opportunity to participate in research.

The job of the Research Office in Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust is to co-ordinate research activity across our services, and work with researchers and sponsors of research to make sure our community can participate in well regulated, clinically useful, and ethically scrutinised research projects.

We support National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and other research activity involving our staff and our patients. The goal of this research is improve the services delivered in this community and across the NHS.

Read the latest Performance In Initiating (PII) and Performance In Delivering (PID) NHIR quarterly reports.

A measure of success in choosing the right studies, and successfully promoting them, is how many people from the community choose to participate.

Research Support Policy is currently under review pending ratification.

Contact the research office

The Research Office sits within Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust’s Quality directorate. It is the first point of contact for:

  • Clinical Research Networks
  • National Institute for Health Research
  • Sponsors of research
  • Researchers seeking to work in the trust
  • Patient groups wanting more information on research
  • Trust staff involved in research
  • Regulatory and administrative work on clinical trials
  • Local promotion of specific trials and research in general

Research Lead

Email Anne Lim

Clinical Research Nurse

Email Diane Hammond

Clinical Research Nurse

Email Janet Cotta

Clinical Research Nurse - Agile Workforce

Email Gemma Nash


If you need to write to us, our postal address is:

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust Research Office
Howard Court 
14 Tewin Road 
Welwyn Garden City