Young carers

You are a young carer if you are under the age of 18 and you're helping to look after someone like a member of your family with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem. If you're a young carer, you may be looking after your parents/guardians or helping to look after your brother or sister.

Do you do extra jobs like cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around? You may give a lot of physical help and emotional support to a parent, brother or sister who is disabled or ill.

On this page we have added information to help and support you as a young carer.

What is it like to be a young carer?

What is it like to be a young carer?

This video produced and made by some of our young carers explains some challenges and the reality for a child or young person caring for someone.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the making of this animation, led by our School Nursing Service, with support from The Queen Nursing's Institute (Qni).


Get the support you need

My YC Health Journal - Get the support you need as a young carer

Download this booklet to help you get the support you need as a young carer. There are signposts to services that can help you and give you some tips on how to speak up when you need to.

Click here to get your own copy of your young carer Health Journal which you can personalise














Click here to download your own copy of My Young Carer Health Journal which you can personalise

Click here to download an accessible version of My Young Carer Health Journal

Thank you to everyone who helped our School Nursing Service produce this booklet including young carers from Hertswood Academy, Sandringham School and Haileybury Turnford School. Thank you also to The Queen’s Nursing Institute and Hertfordshire Family Centre Service.

Oral health for young carers

These videos were co-produced with young carers who are part of Carers In Hertfordshire’s Young Carers Council in Hertfordshire. The young carers chose the topics covered and thought they were most relevant for young carers to receive help and advice around oral health.

We are very grateful for their support and help in the making of this wonderful resource.