About us
We provide community-based healthcare services to more than 1.2 million people living in Hertfordshire, West Essex, East of England and beyond.
We provide community-based healthcare services to more than 1.2 million people living in Hertfordshire, West Essex, East of England and beyond.
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT) is an integral part of the health and care system in Hertfordshire, West Essex and parts of East of England. We are one of the principal providers of community-based healthcare services to more than 1.2 million people living in Hertfordshire and beyond. Some of our services also extend into the neighbouring areas of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.
HCT is rated 'Good' by the Care Quality Commission.
We support people at every stage of their lives, from health visiting, school nursing and specialist dental or speech services to community nursing rehabilitation and palliative care.
Every day approximately 2,600 staff deliver a wide range of high quality health services to people across Hertfordshire, East Anglia, Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes in people's homes, in local clinics, in schools and in our community hospitals.
Patients, their families, and carers are at the heart of what we do. Our vision is all about providing outstanding services and improving the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve.
These three values underpin the work we do each day:
We have four strategic objectives:
We will strive to achieve an Outstanding rating by the Care Quality Commission through driving our approach to continuous quality improvement (CQI) across the organisation and by supporting staff to provide the best possible care to patients. We will also ensure we meet all of our contractual obligations for our commissioners.
We will strive to jointly lead the emerging Integrated Care Partnership for east and north Hertfordshire. This means working closely with partners, such as GPs in primary care networks, to improve community services in the area, collaborate with partners to redesign services and integrate clinical pathways for the benefit of our patients.
We will strive to make HCT a great place to work by having:
One of our top priorities is to ensure the best possible value for the public purse. This means ensuring:
In East and North Hertfordshire, our Locality Integrated Care Teams (ICTs) deliver nursing and therapy services in Lower Lea Valley, North Hertfordshire, Stevenage, Stort Valley & Villages, Upper Lea Valley and Welwyn Hatfield.
Specialist services we provide include acute therapies, bladder and bowel services, cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation, heart failure, diabetes, diabetic retinal screening, lymphoedema, nutrition and dietetics, MSK, podiatry, respiratory, pulmonary rehabilitation, skin health, speech and language therapy, tissue viability, leg ulcer and neurological rehabilitation.
Our community hospitals are: Oxford and Cambridge wards at the Herts and Essex Hospital in Bishop's Stortford, and Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital in Welwyn.
We also run the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at the Herts and Essex Hospital in Bishop's Stortford.
We provide a range of services for children and young people including health visiting and school nursing, child health information, looked after children and safeguarding children.
These services include audiology, children's community nursing, paediatrics, children's continuing care, dental and optical services and specialist school nursing, Step2 (early intervention child and adolescent mental health service for children and young people aged 0-19) and PALMS (Positive behaviour, Autism, Learning disability and Mental health Service).
We provide occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy for children.