Our publications

Our publications area contains a variety of information about Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, including our Annual Reports and Quality Accounts, regular reports on staffing levels in our inpatient bed units, our newsletters and other pertinent information related to our services and the wider NHS.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for or have a query, please email the Communications Team for help.

HCT is an integral part of the Health and Care system in Hertfordshire. Our orgisational strategy sets out how we want to provide outstanding care for the people we serve. Collaborating with system partners where that will provide the best outcomes and experiences for patients - whilst delivering the best value for the tax paying public.

We have a number of enabling strategies that are aligned to and support delivery of our organisational strategy:

Our strategies


We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), who carry out periodic inspections of our services. At the time of the last inspection (May 2020) we had 48 CQC registered services and employed approximately 2,000 staff in a variety of roles. We were rated 'Good' overall.

The most recent report or reports are available from the CQC's website.