The children and young people’s (CYP) continence service was established in February 2021 to promote health bladder and bowels for children and young people in West Hertfordshire, and East and North Hertfordshire since January 2024. We also manage the allocation of continence products for our patients who require them.
We are based at the Peace Children’s Centre in Watford and the team consists of Clinical Nurse Specialists in CYP Continence, CYP Continence Nurses and CYP Continence Support Workers. They are also assisted by the specialist nursing administration team. The service operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (except Bank Holidays).
We are a nurse led team and provide clinical assessment, treatment and support for children and young people who have bladder and/or bowel dysfunction, where first line intervention (Tier 1 from health visitors and/or school nurses, GPs) has not resolved the referring problem.
Continence issues affects large numbers of children and young people and can prevent them from achieving their full potential. It can lead onto psychological issues and these need to be spoken about and addressed. Children with additional needs are also greatly affected by continence issues, either directly or indirectly of their underlining diagnosis. With our support, we will look at diet/fluids/behaviour and biological links to the continence issue. If medications are required, we will liaise with the GP and monitor the effects of the medications.
We operate a Tier 2 continence service, in line with guidance from the children’s continence commissioning guide published by the paediatric continence forum (Sept 2019) and provide support to children aged four to 18-years-old. If they attend one of our special schools, we will continue to support them until they are 19-years-old.
Location of service
Peace Children’s Centre
Thursdays 9am to 1pm and 12pm to 5pm, alternate weeks.St Albans Health and Wellness Centre
Wednesdays 9am to 1pm and 12pm to 5pm, alternate weeks.New QEII Hospital
Mondays and Fridays 9am to 1pm and 12pm to 5pm, alternate weeks.
- Address: Peace Children’s Centre Watford Herts WD17 3EW, Watford, WD17 3EW
- Reception hours: Thursdays 9am to 1pm and 12pm to 5pm, alternate weeks
- Reception phone number: 01923 470680 Option 1 and Option 3 for the Continence Team
- Contact the service
- Who is eligible for the service
- Useful information
- Making a referral
- Patient experience
Contact the service
Service Manager: Hannah Redman
Team Lead: Sarah McGrath and Sarah Collins
Base and Contact details:
Peace Children’s Centre
WD17 3EW
Telephone number: 01923 470680 Option 1 and Option 3 for the Continence Team
Email: Hct.continencecyp@nhs.net
Who is eligible for the service
Inclusion criteria
- Children and young people aged 4yrs – 18yrs, who are experiencing daytime wetting, night time wetting and /or constipation/soiling/withholding.
- We will need evidence of Tier 1 input (minimum of 3 months) i.e. food charts/toileting charts/advice given.
- Young people with additional needs will be accepted up to 19yrs when they will be transitioned to adult services.
- Referrals accepted from health professionals/ education professionals.
- Children and young people who require/have continence products will undergo an assessment to determine need, and they will be assessed annually.
- Child or young person who has been treated at a local CED/A&E for impaction, on two separate occasions, within a three month period.
Exclusion criteria
- Children and young people who do not live in Hertfordshire or who are not registered with a Hertfordshire GP.
- Children and young people who have not had three months input from Tier 1 professionals.
- Any child or young person found to have any RED or AMBER Flag Symptoms.
Useful information
ERIC is a national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health and reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families.
Bladder & Bowel UK
National charity working to improve awareness and find solutions to bladder and bowel problems.
Stop Bedwetting information website
NICE guidelines
Guidance on diagnosing and managing constipation in children and young people upto the age of 18.
- Bedwetting Alarms
- Bedwetting Alarm Diary
- CYP Continence Service Leaflet
- Healthy Bowels
- Healthy Bladders
- Disimpaction Regime
- Toilet Training CYP with Additional Needs
- Pelvic Floor Exercises for CYP
- Common Medications Leaflet
- Provision of Continence Products Leaflet
- Clinic Patient Plan
Helpful Visuals
- Boy Toileting Visual 2024
- Girls Toileting Visual 2024
- Wee and Drink Goal Chart - Poo & Wee Symbols
- CYPCS Bristol Stool Chart 2023
- Constipation with Overflow Soiling 2024
- How Does My Body Know it Needs a Poo 2024
- Unisex Toileting Visual 2024
- Teen fibre chart.docx
- Girls fibre goal chart
- Family snack Challenge
- Family snack challenge certificate
- Boys fibre Goal chart
Making a referral
Referrals are assessed twice a week and then triaged. We will see you in one of our clinics initially, either face to face or virtually and then remain in contact to support you with correcting or improving the continence need.
Patient experience
If you would like to share your story, please contact the Patient Experience team on 01707 388036 or email hct.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net
We would also love to hear about your experience on our service; please complete a survey by clicking here.