About us
Due to additional investment into Hertfordshire’s Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapy Service (CYPT), we have an exciting new three - tiered sensory service to support neurodivergent children and young people (CYP).
This is an exciting time for Hertfordshire as we grow our support offer to provide specialist services to meet the sensory needs of CYP.. As a team we are aligned to the CYP specialist services directorate and work closely with our CYPT service and system partners including voluntary sector organisations, mental health services, social care and education.
Sensory differences are life long and and may change and develop over time. The most effective way to make a difference in CYP’s participation is to practise the skill in context of the activity in their everyday life/routine. The sensory processing service is time limited, with the aim of empowering and coaching parents, carers, families and schools to self- manage sensory differences of children and young people. Once families and schools have learnt the skills needed, it is anticipated that the sensory differences can be managed in the family and school units.
What is sensory processing?
Sensory processing is the ability to organise and make sense of the information we receive from our senses about the world around us. We take in sensory information from what we see, touch, taste, smell, hear as well as from our movements and the position of our body. This information is processed by our brains and nervous system so that we can make sense of it and respond appropriately.
All people process sensory information differently and have preferences for those sensory experiences they enjoy and seek and those they do not like and avoid. Sensory processing differences become an issue when they impact on a child or young person’s ability to participate in activities that are necessary for their learning and development.
How the service is provided
The service is being launched in a phased rollout. As of July 2024, we are offering the universal level service for Parents/Carers and schools and the Targeted offer for Parents. We are also offering specialist level of support. Following we will launch a targeted offer for schools, and children and young people.
Universal: For everyone
Support at this level aims to increase an adult’s understanding and awareness of sensory processing and sensory preferences as well as providing advice on everyday strategies that can support children and young people.
This is the first level of provision for families and school and is provided virtually. A referral is not needed to access the universal workshop. We are working in partnership with a number of number of voluntary sector organisation/charities in Hertfordshire who also offer sensory training. Anyone can access universal training from HCT or these organisations. Click on the following links below to find a training course that suits your availability:
- SPACE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/space-hertfordshire-29155520957
- ADD-Vance: ADD-vance
- Angels: Home - Angels Support Group
Targeted: For some
After three months of implementing recommendations from universal training, some CYP may need more support . If this is the case, and the CYP presents with:
- difficulties in two or more sensory areas that are evident in two different environments.
- sensory difficulties which impact upon the child’s function and ability to participate in daily activities
a referral can be made to the Children and Young People’s sensory processing service via the Occupational Therapy referral form to access the targeted offer. Anyone can make a referral for this service via the HCT website. The referral criteria to access the sensory processing service and referral form (part of the Occupational Therapy referral form) are linked here
The aim of the tagetted offer is to further develop knowledge on how to support and manage identified sensory processing differences which impact on functioning, using a goal-orientated and coaching approach.
This targeted provision for families is provided virtually and focuses on seven key areas, which include workshops for:
- Self regulation
- Eating and drinking
- Toileting
- Sleep
- Self-care
- Transitions
- Interoception (our bodies internal sense)
IIf accepted to the service, the parent/carer will receive a letter with further details. A link will be sent to book a phone call with one of the Children and Young People’s Sensory Processing Service team to discuss sensory differences and which workshop/s meet their CYP’s need. Following the workshop, strategies will need to be implemented at home/school. A follow up telephone appointment will be arranged six weeks later to discuss progress using the strategies, more advice and support may be provided in this appointment. Following this call strategies are to be implemented at home/school for another six week period. This 12 week period is important to enable strategies to be embedded into everyday life for self-management of sensory differences. If strategies are not consistently implemented, the CYP’s ability to participate in everyday activities to their potential will be impacted.
After six months of attending the workshop, if the service does not hear back from parents/carers, we will assume all is going well and the CYP will be discharged from the service.
The service is developing targeted workshops for education settings focusing on:
- Transitions (within schools)
- How to create sensory classrooms/school environments.
- Sensory needs in schools
- Self-regulation in schools
- Sensory circuits in schools
Specialist: For few
This level of need will be identified as necessary in collaboration with parents/carers in conversations at targeted level support. This will involve individual assessment and intervention, which may result in advice, sensory strategies and/or specific recommendations in up to six sessions of direct and indirect support to the CYP, family and school.
Intervention at specialist level will establish person-centered goals and outcomes related to functional skills and participation in activities in everyday life. Intervention will be time limited and evidence based.
Please see attached the position statement relating to the service Sensory Position statement
Click here to see this information in a targeted flow chart. format.
Who is eligible for the service
The children’s sensory processing service supports children and young people (CYP) from birth to 18-years-old. CYP should be registered with a Hertfordshire GP. Anyone in Hertfordshire can access our universal workshops. To access the Targeted and Specialists offer the CYP must meet our referral criteria. Please note the sensory processing service referral form is part of the Occupational Therapy referral form
Useful information
Click on the resources below for more support and ideas on how to support a child’s sensory processing.
Making a referral
The first level of provision for families and school is provided virtually. A referral is not needed to access the universal workshop.. Please click here for workshop dates and times
A referral can be made to the CYP Sensory Processing Service to access the targeted offer once the universal sensory workshop has been attended and strategies have been implemented for three months. Anyone can make a referral for this service via the HCT website, we encourage parents to self-refer. Please note the referral form is part of the Occupational Therapy referral form. The referral criteria to access the sensory processing service and referral form are linked here.
Patient experience
If you would like to share your story, please contact the Patient Experience team on 01707 388036 or email hct.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net
We would also love to hear about your experience on our service, please complete a survey by clicking here