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NHS care coordination hub in line for award

Our pioneering digital solution aimed at reducing hospital admissions and long ambulance delays has been shortlisted for a Health Service Journal (HSJ) Digital Award 2025.

It was announced this week that our stack and unscheduled care coordination hub has been shortlisted for the 'Improving urgent and emergency care through digital' award. 

The hub, set up in partnership with Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust and East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST), provides a single point of access for EEAST paramedics and enables all non-time critical patients to be referred into a community setting. 

The HSJ Digital Awards shine a light on teams and organisations driving meaningful change through technology, improving patient outcomes, streamlining processes, and enhancing the overall quality of care.

Our Chief Executive, Elliot Howard-Jones said: “At HCT, we’re committed to harnessing the most cutting-edge digital technology and processes to improve patient care and ensure best possible value for the public purse.

“Whatever the outcome of the awards process, we know our care coordination hub exemplifies the values of innovation, care and agility, which are at the core of our trust and make us an outstanding provider of clinical services.

“Thank you to all who have helped us get to this point. This recognition reflects the dedication of our teams and also the importance of effective and collaborative partnership.”

The project is one of just over 200 shortlisted across 25 categories which demonstrated ingenuity, passion and transformative impact and have made it to the shortlist. The finalists will be announced at a ceremony in June. 

The winners will be revealed at the HSJ Digital Awards ceremony on 26 June 2025, a night dedicated to celebrating the best in innovation and most impactful projects in digital health.

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