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Join us to celebrate Black History Month - Sunday 29 September

Poster showing details for Black History Month event

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT) are delighted to be hosting our first community outreach event  to promote and celebrate Black History Month, at Stanborough Park in Watford on Sunday 29 September from 12pm - 4pm.

Come along and be part of the celebration. There will be family entertainment, food, music and more from African and Caribbean culture, plus a chance to speak to healthcare professionals and local VIPs.

Would you like to be involved? We aim to have a variety of different arts and crafts, food and refreshments and invite any local business to come and set up a stall.

If you would be  be interested in having a stall, please contact or call 07901 754891 / 07407 146032 for further information.

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