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Irma Donaldson appointed Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

A portrait of Irma Donaldson smiling and appointed Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

Irma Donaldson, one of HCT’s Specialist Services Managers for children and young people, who has been appointed as Deputy Chair of the Board of Trustees of the RCSLT.

Irma will be working with the Chair and other Trustees to be collectively responsible for the execution of the five year vision, defining goals, setting targets and monitoring performance against those targets. Trustees share corporate responsibility for setting the organisation’s values and standards and ensuring compliance with legal obligations and obligations to members. After two years in office she will transition into the role of Chair for two years.

The RCSLT is the professional body for people working in or studying speech and language therapy in the UK. Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) support children and adults with communication and swallowing needs to lead enhanced lives. The RCSLT supports 20,000 members by facilitating and promoting research, producing guidance and influencing government policies that impact on the lives of children and adults in need of SLT input. Over the past 2 years the RCSLT has honestly started exploring issues of equality, diversity and inclusion in order to the challenge the fact that the SLT workforce is not representative of the population in the UK across a number of domains including socio economic background, gender, sexual orientation, disability and ethnicity. Irma has been actively engaged in the anti-racism focus of this work. To increase the representation of people from diverse backgrounds in the profession RCSLT is undertaking a number of changes including the move to an open recruitment and interview process for Trustees.

HCT are proud to support Irma in this new role and know that her passion and leadership qualities will be an asset to the RCSLT as they take forward their 5 year vision. 

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