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International Nurses Day 2022

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. It is a day to let our nurses know how much we appreciate the massive contribution they make to health and healthcare delivery across the communities we serve.

We know that, like many healthcare staff, nurses often work under very challenging conditions. We also know that without investment in nursing the health of people not just locally, but globally, will suffer.

That’s why this International Nurses Day we are taking the opportunity to not only reflect on the valuable, tireless, person-centred work that they do - but to call out to governments to invest in nurses.

On 12 May we will be celebrating our nurses and raising awareness of the need for investment in nursing. Nurses globally play a crucial role in improving how we deliver healthcare and creating sustainable health services for the future. We must have more investment in:

  • The safety of all nurses and healthcare workers
  • The health and wellbeing of nurses
  • Nursing education
  • Nursing jobs
  • Nursing leadership

We are inviting people to raise awareness and show their support for nurses in Hertfordshire, the UK and globally by following us and posting on their social media channels.They can can also comment sharing or liking our posts on our Twitter and Facebook accounts too. 

Most people are unaware of the key role nurses play in a vast range of specialist services - and the level of expertise they bring to each specialism. These range from School Age Immunisation Service and Long Covid assessment and rehabilitation to Step 2 (CAMHS) and Neuro Community Therapy. 

This International Nurses Day please join us in thanking all of our nurses and healthcare staff for everything they do, wherever they may work. You can find out more about careers in nursing and read some of their stories here.

Posted in Campaigns

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