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200 people attend HCT's vibrant community festival for Black History Month

Around 200 people attended Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust's community festival for Black History Month on Sunday 29th September at Stanborough Park in Watford. It was a vibrant event celebrating culture, entertainment, and food from Africa and the Caribbean. 

A number of speakers took to the stage to welcome everyone to the festival including:

  • Catherine Akehurst, Assistant Chief Constable from Hertfordshire Constabulary
  • Elliot Howard-Jones, HCT Chief Executive
  • Catherine McArevey QN and also Madame Deputy Mayor of Dacorum
  • Cllr Pankit Shah, Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield, Borough Councillor for Hatfield Central
  • Valerie Lolomari of Women of Grace

More than 25 stalls were on display showcasing a mixture of HCT services, partner services and organisations, and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations. People took advantage of free health checks including blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and the opportunity to make connections with others working on a similar range of health and social issues affecting the Caribbean and African communities. The aim of the event was to promote community engagement and look at addressing health inequalities in these communities.

There was family entertainment including powerful song and dance performances from Hertfordshire-based Purple All Stars, a group of people with learning disabilities, shining a spotlight on social isolation and inclusion.

Presenters from Luton Urban Radio were the DJs on the day for the event which was organised by the Trust's Celebrating Race Equity and Diversity staff network. 

HCT organised the event to promote essential health checks and healthcare services, reach underserved community groups, and tackle health inequalities. 

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